

Executive Leadership

Strategic Partnerships


Jessica Metzler
Jessica Metzler, Ph.D.
Senior Manager, Partner Programs, Americas
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Sara Spalding
Sarah Spalding, Ph.D.
Senior Manager, Partner Programs, Americas
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Shane Johnson
Shane Johnson, Ed.D.
Senior Manager, Partner Programs, Americas
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Phoebe Meixner
Phoebe Meixner
Senior Associate, Partner Programs, Americas
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Zeynep Ozel
Zeynep Ozel
Manager, Partner Programs, EMEA
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Kornelija Ukolovaite
Kornelija Ukolovaite
Senior Associate, Partner Programs, EMEA
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Philippa Kim
Philippa Kim, Ph.D.
Senior Manager, Partner Programs, Asia
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Anda Yoshina
Anda Yoshina
Associate, Instructional Design
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Arne Malz
Arne Malz
Associate, Instructional Design
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Ninon Godefroy
Ninon Godefroy
Manager, Experiential Learning Design
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From day one, Minerva was able to break down the walls between us. They’re very collaborative, and it’s clear they’ve done a lot of research and thinking about what we need … I’ve never seen a professional service provider conduct collaboration sessions with such ease and finesse and warmth …”
Michele DeStefano
Michele DeStefano
Larry Hoffman Greenberg Traurig Business of Law Chair
University of Miami

We are always looking for talented experts to join the Minerva team.

White Paper
A Systematic Approach to Authentic Assessment

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White Paper
Redefining Experiential Learning: How Universities Can Deliver an Integrated Curriculum

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If you are a visionary leader, you need an equally visionary partner.